
Approvals allows designated approvers to review booking requests for both desks & meeting rooms and either approve or decline them before confirmation.

Approvers can also provide reasons for any declined requests, ensuring clear and transparent communication with the requester.

How to enable the approval process

Meeting Rooms:

  • Access Settings

  • Assign Approvers to a Meeting Room

    • Click Edit next to the relevant meeting room.

    • Use the dropdown menu to select a team(s) or user(s) as approvers.

    • Click Add after selecting each team or user to confirm.


  • Access Settings

  • Assign Approvers to a Meeting Room

    • Click Edit next to the relevant desk.

    • Use the dropdown menu to select a team(s) or user(s) as approvers.

    • Click Add after selecting each team or user to confirm.

Managing the approval process

If you are an assigned approver, here's how to handle booking approvals:

  1. Notifications for Pending Approvals

    • A notification number will appear on your profile icon (top-right corner of the screen) showing the number of bookings awaiting your action.

  2. Access the Approval List

    • Click on your Profile Icon, then select Booking Approvals for desks or Meeting Approvals for meeting rooms.

    • This will display a list of all bookings awaiting your review.

    • Approve or Decline a Booking

      • In the Approvals list, you can either:

        • Click Approve to confirm the booking.

        • Click Decline to reject the booking.

      • If you decline a booking, a text box will appear for you to provide the reason for declining.