Hidden Fields/Privacy Settings

There are various privacy settings, tick boxes and role permissions that will hide information from certain users. Let's explore them:

Meeting rooms

If you navigate to settings - meeting rooms, click on a specific meeting room high lighted in blue and go to general you can choose to restrict access to specific users or teams. When you enable this option you will be presented with a table of teams and users and here you can select to hide as relevant.

Default app settings

The below options are available on your meeting room tablet:

Display only mode - Enable if you wish to use the display as a visual tool for availability only and not allow walk-in meetings or other actions. (Turned off by default).

Hide subject - Enable to hide the meeting subject.

Hide description - Enable to hide the meeting description.

Hide organiser - Enable to. hide the meeting organiser.

Meeting rules

Scroll down to privacy rules. Here there are 3 options that can be enabled as below:

  • Default meeting privacy - When enabled this will be set as default however will not stop users from unticking private meeting when creating a meeting which would than override this rule.

  • Hide all meeting details - This will hide the meeting title and description, However users with the permission to to edit other meetings will still be able to view the details. (This includes administrators)

  • Hide attendees on private meetings - When a meeting is private all users can still see the attendees for a meeting. Enabling this rule will hide the attendees from anyone without access.


Go to settings - hot desks - general settings. Here you will see the below option:

Desk Privacy - If this is enabled users will not see the names of users that have booked desks. They will just see "Booked" without the persons name

Desk allocation

To restrict desks to specific users or teams switch on the allocation rules under settings - hot desks - rules. You will need to go to the desk allocation page to set the rules for each desk.

Custom booking fields

If you wish to capture additional information at the time of booking then you can add custom fields. Learn more about this feature by clicking here For users to be able to add custom fields this option must be ticked under settings in user role permissions. Once created and switched on custom fields will be shown to all users when booking a desk. A response must be entered for the booking to be saved.


If an office needs to be restricted to specific users or teams you can enable this by going to settings - offices, select the relevant office and scroll down to restrict access to specific users or teams. once switched on you will be able to make the required restrictions. remember to click update to save any changes. To learn more about setting up offices click here


User permissions will need to be edited to enable access to view and edit events. Head to settings - users - roles and scroll down to events to view the below options:

Can create, update and delete events

Can read events

Click here to learn about reserving a space at an event and adding attendees.


The default setting are fir a user to be able to view details for their. This can be changed in the role permissions. Go to settings - users - roles, select the relevant role and scroll to visitor management. Here you have the below options. the top 2 are in relation to viewing and editing only your own visitors whereas the further 2 settings are in relation to viewing, creating and editing visitors for other users:

  • View all visitors

  • Create and edit all visitors

  • View their visitors

  • Create and edit their visitors

Under the page Visitor management - rules you will notice the privacy rule below:

Hide Visitors from the who's in page - When enabled visitors will not be visible on this page.

For more detailed instructions on setting up visitor management click here

Who's in page

On the default page when you open Clearooms there is a who's in button. Users must have this option ticked within the role they are assigned to for it to be visible. Check a users role permissions by going to settings - users, noting their role and than go to roles. Click on the relevant role, Scroll down to office and here you can choose to enable the who's in option. You will notice if you are on a date in the past this will change to who was in and when in the future who will be in.